[2024] Planned Dunkin’ Donuts Construction Extends from New Jersey to … Colorado?

Momentarily, we’ll get into our rundown on planned Dunkin’ Donuts construction, including some of the unusual places busy with new Dunkin’ locations in planning and currently under construction.

First, though, take a moment to see what made this possible: BuildCentral’s PlannedRetail —woohoo! Tracking the latest retail developments nationwide, PlannedRetail has the data, analysis, and contacts you need to capitalize on upcoming projects and developments ahead of the competition. We’ve got the PlannedRetail blog stocked with similar planned construction summaries for brands like CostcoTeslaDollar Tree, and more.

With that in mind, we thought we’d show a little bit of what Planned Retail has to offer by starting with a household name whose planned construction pipeline is seeing a lot of activity: Dunkin’. Not only do we break down the numbers behind Dunkin’s planned construction activity, but we highlight notable Dunkin’ projects with PlannedRetail project reports.

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Planned Dunkin’ Donuts Construction By the Numbers

Dunkin Donuts Construction Activity

Planned Retail data reveal that the bulk of planned & current Dunkin’ projects are free standing buildings instead of shopping center storefronts.

Notable Planned & Current Dunkin’ Projects

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